Endurance Exploration
Endurance Exploration

Endurance Exploration has its roots in an exploration trip to Colonia, Sagittarius A*, and Beagle Point that took place during the summer of 3308.

Although exploration is a big part of the org, it has interests in many other areas of activity within the Elite Dangerous galaxy including combat, mining, and trading. Helping CMDRs is a core focus and we welcome anyone who needs support or advice about getting started as a CMDR, upgrading to a new ship, improving their ground combat, trying to afford a fleet carrier, and more.

If Elite Dangerous seems a bit overwhelming, we can help. As the current Endurance Expedition has ended for this year, thoughts have now turned to the future of the Elite Dangerous galaxy and Endurance Exploration’s place in it. CMDRs Hatch, Dim3bar, FiL, and Campbell have thoroughly enjoyed the journey to Colonia, Sagittarius A*, and Beagle Point. We’ve had fun and, most importantly, made new friends along the way.

To keep the EE community going we have decided to form a squadron AND also apply to become a player minor faction in the Elite Dangerous galaxy. For quite some time we’ve been playing with the idea of Endurance Expedition becoming something more than an event, and so Endurance Expedition made the change over to Endurance Exploration a CMDR org/company in the ED galaxy with, hopefully, our own system we can call HOME.

We already have the ENEX (PC) squadron that will focus on recruiting new CMDRs as well as plans for future activities.

Joining Endurance Exploration is easy and we offer a warm welcome to CMDRs new and old. The squadron can be found by searching the squadron panel using the ENEX tag or Endurance Exploration name.

Visit our Discord at https://discord.gg/zhX8j28ADu

Check out and add yourself to the roster at the Squadron INARA page found at https://inara.cz/squadron/13110/

The blog can be found at https://enduranceexploration.medium.com/

We can be found on Twitter at https://twitter.com/EnduranceExplo2

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Endurance Exploration

Endurance Exploration

Endurance Exploration is an exploration, trade and combat organisation in the Elite Dangerous galaxy created by @CMDRCampbell @CmdrDim3bar @CMDRHatch @CmdrFiL