Carriers arrive in the Eorl Auwsy SY-Z d13–3468 system


The carrier Hebridean Isles has arrived in the Eorl Auwsy SY-Z d13–3468 system where CMDR FiL Wav’s carrier Garden of Thoreau is located. The Mornington Crescent is due later today.

The carriers will remain in the system for around a week or so (taking a break from jumping) before heading back to Colonia.

The system has biologicals to scan and guardian ruins too. A number of nebulae are also located within reach. The expedition will continue on 29th August when it jumps the 15,000ly back to Colonia.



Endurance Exploration
Endurance Exploration

Written by Endurance Exploration

Endurance Exploration is an exploration, trade and combat organisation in the Elite Dangerous galaxy created by @CMDRCampbell @CmdrDim3bar @CMDRHatch @CmdrFiL

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