Choosing an exploration ship
Going out on an expedition can seem quite daunting especially if you are new to exploration in Elite Dangerous.
The good news is that most of the ships in Elite Dangerous are pretty good for exploration. Choosing the right modules is, however, key to making your life out amongst the stars just that little bit easier and safer. When equipping your ship, try to get the best ones you can afford. Engineered modules are great but if you haven’t unlocked the engineers yet it doesn’t matter. The early ED explorers made journeys way out into the galaxy in ships without any engineered modules.
Two modules need to be the best you can afford. A fuel scoop and the FSD. The fuel scoop will keep your tanks full of fuel and a good frame shift drive will enable your ship to jump further. Try to get the A-rated modules as these will perform the best. If you have the credits to upgrade other modules then also get the best you can. Weapons are optional and many CMDRs choose not to arm their ships to get extra jump range.
One optional piece of kit is the Auto Field Maintenance Unit. This module allows a commander to repair his/her ship when in space. Personally, I always travel with the maintenance unit onboard on exploration trips but if a friendly carrier is nearby you may feel that an Auto Field Maintenance Unit isn’t necessary. Outfitting on Hebridean Isles has the units if you need one.
If you are thinking of coming along with the expedition and want some advice on exploration ships and modules, just let us know via Twitter or our Discord channel. I can also be contacted via email at