Formorian Organics Excursion: Excursion to the Ploea Brou RY-B b13–7 system.

Endurance Exploration
2 min readJun 14, 2022


Formorian Organics Excursion — o7 Commanders! The Garden of Thoreau Fleet Carrier is planing an Excursion to the Ploea Brou RY-B b13–7 system.

The local area is rumored to house many systems containing Organic Structures, many of which can be found in the codex. Commanders are encouraged to bring any ships or outfitting they my desire whilst out on the Excursion.

Overview: Friday 24th June @ 9AM UTC, The Garden Carrier will branch off adjacent to The Endurance Expedition Official Route heading toward Ploea Brou RY-B b13–7 where it will remain for the weekend. 11 Jumps in total resulting in ~3.67 hours of travel time.

The Excursion concludes when the carrier departs for return journey Sunday 26th June @ 10PM UTC -Sunday night. Alerts will go out equipping Cmdrs with vital information on updated departure times for the jaunt Carrier.

Participating Cmdrs are advised to check discord regularly for said updates.
I WILL NOT LEAVE ANY CMDR BEHIND! Please don’t hesitate to @ me in carrier discord channel if you’ve been left and I will do my best to work things out! Sooner the better! garden-of-thoreau-t2g-7hm

Garden of Thoreau: T2G-7HM — owned by CMDR FiL Wav @FiL

Mission Parameters: Stage 1: Break Off | Stage 2: Jaunt | Stage 3: Rejoin Anchor System: Ploea Brou RY-B b13–7 Projected Tritium Required: 3,258t

Available Roles: Rescue-Emergency Officer -Although this is a sight-seeing jaunt, we may still need volunteers to provide rescue should people need it. I recommend this position to any Cmdr who is willing to bring along an additional ship & modules suitable for rescue and refuel.

Summary: The goal is to make this jaunt, and future Excursions, as easy on the individual Cmdr possible, while experiencing wonderful discoveries in the galaxy. Just jump on the carrier Thursday night, explore over the weekend, jump back on the carrier Sunday evening and you’re good! — I will release a full list of rumored discovery systems once we begin jumping out.



Endurance Exploration
Endurance Exploration

Written by Endurance Exploration

Endurance Exploration is an exploration, trade and combat organisation in the Elite Dangerous galaxy created by @CMDRCampbell @CmdrDim3bar @CMDRHatch @CmdrFiL

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