Monkey Head Nebula Excursion FAQ
How do I join?
Grab a ship and head to the Hebridean Isles carrier located in the Lalande 27055 system. Dock with the carrier and you are ready to go!
I missed that carrier! Can I still join?
YES! Luckily some carriers will be leaving for the Monkey Head Nebula Excursion a few days later. More details will be provided about where you can join the carriers at a later date.
What kind of ship do I need?
Any ship will be able to explore but one with as much jump range as possible will make things easier. A standard Sidewinder will do to start with and carriers will have outfitting to upgrade.
Is advice available? I’m new to exploration.
Yes. The Squadron is very friendly so Discord is a great place to ask questions. Twitter or leaving a comment on this blog is OK too.
Do I Have to join the ENEX squadron or Discord channel?
No. You can use the carriers are a base for a few weeks and return to the bubble after the excursion finishes. No catches. No demands.
How long will the carrier take to reach Monkey Head Nebula?
Four hours in total. The carrier can make three jumps an hour.
How long will the excursion be out at the Nebula?
Until June 22nd. ENEX carriers will be arriving and departing the nebula depending on other events going on in the galaxy.
Is there a rescue service?
Yes. The carriers have repair and refuel limpets to help in the event of a CMDR needing some assistance. The Squadron Discord has a rescue channel but a request for help can be made via Twitter or this blog too.
Where can I find updates about the excursion?
This blog, the ENEX Twitter feed, and the Discord channel