One Year On
Today marks the first anniversary of the start of the Endurance Expedition. A year ago three carriers left LHS 6309 with the aim of visiting Colonia, Sagittarius A*, and Beagle Point.
One hundred and seventy-one days later and we were back in the Bubble, all the locations visited, with new friends and a new squadron. Endurance Exploration (ENEX) was born from that 171-day journey.
The squadron has grown beyond anything that we could have envisaged a year ago. Endurance Exploration currently has 76 CMDRs and 24 carriers scattered around the bubble and galaxy. ENEX will hopefully grow further over the next year too.
There have been some bumps along the road. The recent failure to become a player minor faction and secure a home system has been a disappointment but I’m sure that other opportunities will appear.
A massive thank you goes out to everyone in the squadron. We really do feel honored that you have joined and contributed to ENEX.
Finally, a Sagittarius A* sized thank you to CMDR Dim3bar, CMDR Hatch, and CMDR FiL for being such great squadron friends. ENEX came about because of them. Thanks, guys.